In 1968, Helen Tedrow started a small flower business in a quaint little shop on Seventh Street in Three Rivers called Southside Greenhouse. It quickly became a flourishing business, so much so, that after 7 to 8 years she had to move to a larger location Roberts Road. It was during that time that her 20-year-old daughter, Mary joined her in learning the floral trade.
In 1983, Helen's husband, Don's, parents passed away leaving her their estate in Centreville which included a beautiful carriage barn. Seeing it as the perfect place to host her business her husband built a greenhouse on it, they changed the name to their own and Tedrows Florist was born.
When Helen retired, Mary and her husband Jim took over the business. Mary serviced the village of Centreville for 40 years with her floral arrangements for weddings, proms, funerals, anniversaries, birthdays, and many other special occasions. She decided that she would like to enjoy retirement in 2023, with her husband Jim. She felt that she had no option but to close the doors of Tedrow's. However, Mary's niece Rita stepped in to take over the position of providing fresh flowers to Centreville and the surrounding area.
Now in 2024, Rita has been working to further improve and grow the business that Helen, Mary, and countless others have worked so very hard to build for the better of the community around them.